Bestiary 4 pathfinder pdf download
Bestiary 4 pathfinder pdf download

bestiary 4 pathfinder pdf download bestiary 4 pathfinder pdf download

Ultimate Combat also introduces three new Pathfinder RPG classes: the ninja, samurai, and gunslinger! The ninja blends the subterfuge of the rogue with high-flying martial arts and assassination techniques. This comprehensive 256-page hardcover reference reveals the martial secrets of the Pathfinder RPG rules like never before! Tons of new tricks and techniques for combat-oriented character classes put a sharp edge on your weapons and a sure step in your tactics, ranging from new barbarian rage powers, new cavalier orders, tons of new rogue talents, and more than 60 new archetypes for nearly every Pathfinder RPG character class, including spellcasters like wizards and clerics. * Detailed lore sidebars offering additional information about Pathfinder's most popular monstrous friends and foes! * Guidelines for providing appropriate monstrous treasures for any occasion. More than 400 of fantasy's fiercest foes burst from the pages of this enormous 360-page compendium of the most popular and commonly encountered creatures in the world of Pathfinder! From familiar enemies like orcs, dragons, and vampires to new horrors like the living-nightmare nilith and the three-headed mutoli, to suitable servants for summoners of every alignment, this must-have companion to the Pathfinder Core Rulebook is crawling with creatures perfect for your Pathfinder adventures! The Pathfinder Bestiary includes: * More than 400 monsters drawn from mythology, genre classics, and more than a decade of Pathfinder, with plenty of new monsters too! * Gorgeous full-color illustrations on nearly every page! * Detailed monster lists sorted by level, type, and rarity to help you find the right monster for any situation! * Universal monster rules to simplify special attacks, defenses, and qualities like grab, swallow whole, and regeneration.

Bestiary 4 pathfinder pdf download